Research Article
Assessment of Vitamin D And Correlation of It With Other Biochemical Parameters Related To Hair Loss
- By Taghreed Abdul Kareem Al-makhzoomy, Doaa Amer Kadhim, Ashraf Raoof Mohammed Ali - 10 Dec 2024
- Healthcare Studies, Volume: 2, Issue: 2, Pages: 1 - 8
- Received: 2 May 2024; Accepted: 6 July 2024; Published: 15 August 2024
A widespread issue that the may impact people of all ages and genders, thinning hair has a variety of reasons. This Replacement Kidneys Department at Al-Kafel Hospital in the the city of Karbala district of Iraqi served as the investigation’s site. forty-five cases in all, comprising twenty-five people experiencing lost hair through Twenty control systems, were investigated in Iraqi between the first of July and the last day of November in 2022. For the purpose of to assess how they participate within the onset of loss of hair, this research compared serum concentrations of the hormone vitamin D, ferritin, and zinc oxide among people with hair loss that is diffuse and in normal people. Additionally, it sought to foresee and identify the the development and accessible diagnostic procedures during human hair loss immediately. Twenty standards and twenty patients with hair loss made up the 45 cases that were analyzed. Individuals with hair loss served as the test specimens, while none of the investigation’s participants smoked or suffered severe overeating. The patients are around the decades of Ten and Forty. Five milliliters of sterilized fresh blood from each person were extracted from each blood vessel, and the concentrations of zinc, D3, vitamin D3, and ferritin were measured.According to the investigation’s findings, people with hair loss have significantly lower levels of the antioxidant vitamin D3, ferritin, and zinc than those with normal hair vitamin D3 levels in females are significantly lower than in males. However, this isn’t a statistically important distinction. However, there is no statistically significant variance (p<0.05) among male and female people who experience receding hair in terms of serum ferritin and iron concentrations. In the present research, people who had hair loss showed a favorable correlation between age and vitamin D3. Improved comprehension of the reasons of loss of hair is provided by the investigation, which links insufficient vitamin D3 to a drop in ferritin and zinc, which raises the patient’s chance of hair loss. Additionally, this study demonstrates that female individuals with diminished hair growth may have lower levels of vitamin D and serum ferritin, a measure of iron status. All patients had zinc deficits identified. Therefore, it is imperative that all patients who report widespread lack of hair have their vitamin zinc levels checked on a regular basis.