About Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemical Engineering
Aims and Scope
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemical Engineering (ISSN: 2583-2441) is an international open access journal which provides an advanced forum for studies that reflect the breadth and interdisciplinarity of agriculture. It publishes surveys papers, regular research papers and brief communications. Our aim is to encouraging the scientists and researchers to publish their experimental and theoretical results more detail as conceivable. Consequently, there's no confinement on the length of the papers. The complete exploratory points of interest must be given so that the results can be reproduced.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemical Engineering gives a gathering for publishing papers which development in point by point understanding of the relationship between in the related fields. It publishes in all the aspects of weeds, invasive species, Precision agriculture, Sustainable agriculture, Conservation agriculture, Organic agriculture, Crop protection, Crop breeding and genetics, Crop nutrition, irrigation, Crop physiology, Pests and diseases, Ecological agriculture, Animal breeding, Animal nutrition, Soil physics, Soil chemistry, Soil microbiology, Soil and water quality, Irrigation and water use efficiency, Livelihoods, Rural communities and aid, Machinery, Remote sensing, Geographical Information System, Post-harvest, Animal and plant inspection, Product freshness, Environmental influences on production and products, Impact of changing environments. It is intended to publish only high-quality papers containing material not published elsewhere.
Copyright and Open Access
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemical Engineering all articles published in the journal, copyright is retained by the authors. Articles are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license.
© 2024 by the authors; licensee Fuzzy Publication, India.
Editorial Office
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemical Engineering,
Amrita Jaiswal,
Managing editor,
Fuzzy Publication